Monday, July 1, 2013

"Try a Little Harder to be a Little Better"

Those days you just wake up and wonder where is your life taking you...I've been having those lately. I love being a stay at home mom, but I think I have gotten too comfortable with the words "stay-at-home" that I literally stay at home. No set time to wake up, no set curfew on when to sleep, no stress, absolutely nothing changes. Just surprises me that I am like that now comparing myself to a year ago, where I seriously felt like I had ants in my pants and needed to be anywhere BUT home. As much as I enjoy it, especially because I am pregnant, I just feel....Well, LAZY. My parents love and adore my son.. They love to babysit him, spoil him, and just flat out do anything for him. I admit, I do have it easy living under my parents roof. They baby me just as much as they baby him. I have gotten so comfortable at where I am at right now, and I guess it is because living on my own the first months of my marriage it was straight up living the struggle. From living from paycheck to paycheck, to eating saimini on most nights. Just remembering the times when Mc. Donald's felt like a 5 star restaurant, and a bonus with the free wi-fi.  At that time it was only me and my husband, and we could barely manage.

Now that our situation is a little more stable, and I am also in that part of my life where I am not trying to live in the fast lane, it's time to take opportunities. These feelings of "what do I do now?" Or "What am I going to do today?" motivated me to get back into the groove and take advantage of my living situation. My culture is based around two things. Everything you do you do for 1- God and 2- Family. My job as a mother is to be the exampler. Not only to teach my kids to " Do as I say," but also "Do as I do." I plan on doing that spiritually, and educationally. Basically showing no matter how many wrongs you make in life, you can always make it right.

I can attest to the statement of "Life is our greatest teacher," as I had a fair share in my young life. It has taught me to take risk, and also has taught me what happens when you don't listen to your parents the first twenty times they told you not to do something. It has made me wiser, and has taught me that imperfections can be perfected. It has brought me to this point, where I have a family of my own, and am willing to sacrifice my time and energy to better their future. I have come long ways, but still have long ways to go. I have many things to accomplish, and many things to improve on, and that I do firmly understand. I just barely took a bite out of my 20's, I still have a lot of time to get my family on track.

Truly the only things that get in my way is falling back into laziness...Sad, it's not even my little growing family, it's just my personal problem...wahh! Lol. But waking up to my sons laugh every morning, and my husband working over time every night has brought me back into perspective on what my job is, and what I need to do to be just a little bit better. I have registered for school, and still have a couple bumps I need to smooth out, but hopefully will be handled just in time for fall semester. I have gained back my passion for becoming a teacher, and I thank being a primary teacher for that. As much as I dread preparing my lesson, it always feels satisfying teaching a class of 4 to 5 kids every Sunday. Just knowing that they know a little bit more has hinted to me to keep pushing for what I want.

 I know what I'm lacking in life, but I also know what I need to do to get me back on the boat to stay afloat. Simply going out and giving it all I got. God has gave me tons of opportunities, some of which I have been lucky enough to get back. Doesn't happen often, but with this second time coming around, I truly wouldn't miss it for the world.

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