Tuesday, September 18, 2012

14 days and counting..

It has finally come down to the last two weeks before I check in to St. Marks hospital. I seriously wake up every morning hoping it will be Tuesday October 9th already. Finally getting to nourish and cherish a gift that came from God. The most precious thing from heaven. My husband and I constantly remind each other how excited we are.

Feeling love, being in love, and now creating love has been the greatest experience in my whole existence. All humans are prone to feelings, so we all know or have felt the feeling of it. That's why we crave it so much. A feeling so unique, it's no wonder why we take break up's, and heartache to another level.

I'm a fan of love, and blame my zodiac sign for that. I'm glad to be a sucker love....and chocolate....and nutella doughnuts.

xoxo :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Memories, I LOVE 'em.

Before I go on with this new blog, I just want my mom and dad to know that i do appreciate what they wrote on the blog before this one. For being the greatest examples,and for believing in me, even when I have doubted myself. I couldn't ask for better parents, and grandparents to my unborn son. Ofa lahi atu <3<3
Tears, tears! Love them! haha! anyway, a quick, but very meaningful blog. And this one is going to be all about the man who holds my heart, my wallet, and my money-My sexy hott husband, Mr. Travis Aufotu Peni!!! (And the crowd goes wilddd!) Yes, I am going to be that psycho wife who remembers the dates of when he first popped the "will you go out with me?" question. I can still remember it. very, very, VERY vivid! detail, to detail! LOL! It was nothing special, because I was the one who really asked it and all, LOL! no, but really, this kid and words- he's just that type that he doesn't have to say much, and you get what he's trying to say.

I think what keeps me falling in and out of love with him are the memories we've had. Til this day, I still get goosebumps, and chills running thru my spine. Til this day, I still laugh out loud thinking of how crazy in love we were. Those memories remind me of why I'm beyond in love with him. We can talk for hours about the times when we were dating, we will laugh at every little detail, and cry at those moments when we thought it was over.....But we were just being dramatic love birds of course. All in all, these memories are the ones that keep me falling in love with him, and seriously are the small but simple things of why I'm so in love. All the reasons why I shouldn't let go, give up or even doubt what we have.

I never understood the meaning of love until it was shown by someone who was totally opposite of me. From cultures, to personalities. I can finally understand the phrase, " opposites attract." so different, but intentions the same in certain ways. I have the worst mood swings, and I thank god everyday for a man who is able to stick thru it day by day. NOT EASY, but worth it. 

I'm glad I came to this earth knowing that I spent the best-est times with my soulmate. I came into this world knowing that Love can be found, and I'm beyond thankful to know that when I leave this world, I found love, felt love, and created love. 

I meant it from the first time i said it, and I will forever mean every bit of it- I love you ;)