Monday, February 28, 2011






"Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say."
- Anon

Meet my....crazy, dont give a hootin' dingle berry about anybody, LOUD, never EVER serious, crybabies, hardest gangsters on the block BESTEST friends :)
my boyfriends when we go out, the ones who have my back when no one else does, the ones who tell me straight up if my zippers down, or a big ole' booger is in my nose, my "THIRSTY" kalapu, the ones who helped me beat up the fehoko girls for fun, the ones who laughed so hard when i told them how bObO beat up cindy afu at the mall-basically sisters from different misterrrrzz!

bObO-undercover ringleader...thats just because she has a car.too many funny memories-funniest one: back to school party, and i think we drank a tad bit toooo much, she was sitting on the couch with "SOME KID," while i was looking for a bucket for her to throw up in, walked back intot he livingroom, and she was macking on the kid....i sat and watched for 3 mins, and then, out of nowhere, THRRROOOOWWWW UPPPPPP all over the kids shirt!BWAHAHAHAHA, and to top that off, she just got up, and walked straight into the room, and knocked out, while the kid sat there, licking the throw up off his lips!hahahahaha-

Lupe-the FOR REALLLYY good one. they call me the devils child cuhz all i do is tempt this girl to do stuff with me!hahaha, i do it for fun, and she knows im playing!hahaa, but always the DD. shes one quiet girl, but once you set her on fire, have fun trying to set her out!SHES WVC CUHHRAZYY!hahaha.funniest memory:idk if she remembers this but freshmen year, we all planned to go sadies, we did the shopping AND EVERYTHING!lupe had a partner, i had one, bo had one-so anyway we were just posted at her house for a good minute..she never came out, we were like WTH is wrong with this puto!haha, so me and bo charge inside to her house, and shes at the corner crying her EYES OUT cuhz her mom said she couldnt go!BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!dude, she embrasses herself HELLA EASily!like this other time-FRESHMEN year right..we try to roll with the biggdawggz, and drive around bo's grandpas car around the neighborhood, just to see if any hott guys would see us driving!HAHA lame, i know-anyway lupe was dying to drive the car, so bo was like okay-pulls off to the side, and lets this stupid girl lupe drive. LUPE-being the stupid one too,drives by her house, IDK she does, then stops at the stop sign, and her mom is at the other stop usually you would play it off, esp if your not driving your car-and you dont have a lisence right?!NNOOOOOO!this girl, puts the car in park, and tries to hide!HOW THE HELL do you hide when your the freakin driver!?BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA long story short, her mom stopped right in front of us, and yelled at lupe to get out of the car....we werent able to hang out with lupe for 2 weeks!hahahahahaha-

Mona-i dont think people understand mona's mindset-SHES CRIP CRAZZYY!BWAHAHA, nbfrt. shes one girl i do not wanna mess with. shes basically the reason why whenever we get in fights, none of us are bruised up.she really does all the work!HAHAHA. funnest memory: we were soo pissed about how this girl did our friend, Teesa, hella wrong. mind you that this isnt our problem, but when you put four losers that have no lives together, we do some stupid shit. anyway-we go and get eggs, pee in containers, mix all these stuff together so we can go get these girls houses!hahahaha, OH man-we got the house, and we were coming back around so we can throw rocks at the windows, and the girls house that we got were following us the whole time!HAHAHA, well since they caught us, might as well fight them right?no biggie, we chase 'em down, and they finally stop!anyway, one of the girls hella came to my window and started punching the shit outta it like skittles were gonna pop out or something!i hella got out and punched her cuhz shit, my mom and dad had no idea that i took the car, and if they wake up to a broken window, i would pay for it!anyway, we get out of the car, and start was like an action movie!hahaha, anyway-MONA being the crip kullazzzyyy hella beats all three of them up!ALL think im lying, but im not!DUDE, one minute she was bombing on the liddo sis, then giving the middle sis a big ass weggie, then pulling the older sisters hair out of her head!OMG i thot that was something only jackie chan can do, but mona-pppfffttt you truely are one scary ass nigguh!hahaha, thats why were besties! :)

im not obsessed with my best friends, i just laugh because sooooo many people try and brake us!!and they have for the loooonnnggeeessttt time. seriously, bo's grand idea was to come up with a squad called the stupid squad, and everyone hated us!WHO CARES!hahahahahhahahaha, no, but really-Love these girls to pieces!hahahaha!ohh man, one time we put a couch in front of koti lao's house, and blamed it on lupe!BWAHAHAHAHAHA!love my mains :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

homework sucks all the fun out of me.

right now, all i wanna do is stab my pile of homework until i see it bleeding.(i know, its impossible.)soo??im gonna do it anyway.this tuesday sucks!back to reality tomorrow.took a looonnnng break, and i still look like i have two tennis balls in my mouth.argghh.

on a good note-
finished one whole math section that had 45 problems in it :)

now, all i have to do 4 more sections just like that, containing the same amount of problems.
ouchh, soo hurtful!
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Sunday, February 13, 2011

sunday fundays.

Besides the fact that i'm still stuck in bed looking like quamire off of family guy, i DIDN'T have a good nights sleep thanks to my sister, who misplaced my medicine, making me wide awake, and feeling all sorts of pain. My goodness, never in my life have i ever felt like punching my little sister in the face(while she was sleeping, of course) here i am in my room rubbing my two big cheeks, hoping they would eventually stop hurting, of course they wouldn't because rubbing 'em only made the pain worse!As mad as i was at my little sister, i decided to wet her hair(because she had straightened it saturday night), and wrinkle her church clothes(because she had ironed her church clothes for sunday, which is today.) knowing my revenge would make her cry all morning, i second guessed my actions, and ended up not doing it.(Ill do it on April Fools.Hopefully she remembers why i'm doing it.) soo, besides all of the saturday night madness, i slept in, and just woke up.(hey, i totally desrve it.)


Being that it's stake conference today, my family is having one of our many GREAT get togethers. Sucks for me-while everyones gulping down amazing homemade food, i'm gonna be stuck in the corner with a spoon, and slurpping away two yogurts!if you haven't pulled out your wisdom teeth, make sure you do it on a weekend, where you know there will be no food what-so-ever! i feel like i lost 10 pounds.....haha, okay im being dramatic, i feel like i only lost 20, BUT ANYWAY!ahaha, I have decided that i hate yogurt, and i will never eat it ever again!you don't even know(well, those who haven't pulled out there wisdom teeth yet) how annoying pulling out your wisdom teeth can be!First-you look like you have the mumphs.Second-you only eat smooth, cold things like shakes, and yogurt....and soup(that has to be super cold). Third-the only teeth you can actually brush is the ones in the middle(meaning YES half of my teeth still smell like yesterdays soup) fourth-you look like your head weighs more than your body....or is that just me?better not be!but yes, as much as i can sit here and complain about How bad it sucks to pull out all four wisdom teeth, i know that it will eventually pay off...but until then, my life SUCKS a whole lottah!!someone please get a shaver, and shave me bald :(

..on a good note-
well, because my mouth was hurting like a mother, and my eyes were pouring out with tears, i tried to distract myself by watching youtube videos, and clicked on the one with christina agularia(or how ever you spell it.)turns out it was the song, Hurt(if you haven't heard it, you must, SOOO freakin beautiful)anyway, i started crying harder because it was soooo sad, that me put me to sleep. soo, thank you christina, i'll be sure to play that song everytime i have a toothache. :)

P.S.-it's been 3 days since i deactivated my fb account...kinda miss it, BUT nothing beats blogging!(i need to slow down my blogging actually, i talk about the same thing.but you guys LOVE it right?!)haha

Saturday, February 12, 2011

saturday night!

It's the WEEKEND, and i'm stuck in bed, with my medicine, and something superr healthy, raspberry donuts. the perfect mixture right!my sister thinks it's gross, but i think shes weird all around. but i don't say much! ugh! ahaha.
another MOVIE NIGHT with my liddo man, and liddo brothers Joe and Kingsley. Not that we watch the Alvin and the chipmunks 5 BILLION TIMES, but we watched the other guys 6 billion times, because Kingsley likes the crude humor. NOTE to SELF-don't watch PG-13 movies with 5 year olds, the word "balls" is the funniest word ever made!awkward word also?!pfft, hell ya!LOL, anyway-not much to write today, other than the fact that everyone went to the 7's, and i'm suck at home looking like i have the bad case of the mumps!SHAVE ME BALD and throw me under the bus!Lol, really though, we have stake conference tomorrow, and i'm going to play like i have a fever so i can stay, knowing my mom, she doesn't care if we had a raccoon biting our booty, we would still have to go to church!She is one religious lady, and i don't mind at all.

goshhh, i love this MOVIE!! Damien is the funniest gay guy ever!he reminds me of my bestie Rico, except Rico is way hotter, and not as funny, but there close to the same!anyway, here's the scenes  that crack me up for days, and days, and DAYS on end!love mean girls :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

under sooo much medication!argghhhhh!!!

today i took a trip to the dentist, and you know how that goes. coming in with a toothache, and leaving the place looking like Shrek, or is that just me?ahaha.well i got ALL 4 wisdom teeth pulled out, and feeling all sorts of unbearable pain!i hate when the doctor has to numb your mouth, he put that needle in like 6 or 7 times, and boy i hate that feeling, and the taste!well, anyway, i got there at 8:45ish, got treated, and left around 10. i love my dentist tho, I've been with Dr. Hamilton ever since i can remember. hes been an amazing dentist, always giving me a sticker and a tooth brush, and telling me to floss every time i come in, which he probably is super irritated because i never floss! ahaha, but its cool. they have TV's when you lay on the chair, so ill be watching scary movies, but laughing my head off because of the laughing gas, which by the way, is the only reason why i still take trips to the dentist!Laughing gas is amazing! I swear that stuff is made out of weed, because it just keeps me rolling for days on end! ahaha, oh man i wish i was under some laughing gas now! ahaha, anyway- my lips are chapped as hell!and my cheeks look like the cartoon, ed, Edd, and eddy when there eating those big ol' jaw-breakers! ugh, i would take a picture, but................................nahh!ahaha! well, i just woke up, and tried to make netflix work on the Xbox, but its no wenos!So me and my liddo man hiva are gonna go rent red-box!yaayyy!! hopefully i can drive good, because after taking doses of all these pills, i feel super woozy! but its nothing i cant handle!!Lol, well bloggers, this is gonna be one SUPER-BORING Friday! but i wouldn't wanna be anywhere else. :)

On a good note-
valentines day is coming up, and until this day i haven't had my first valentine yet!cant complain-I HATE VALENTINES DAY!LOL, no i'm kidding, i get super jealous that everyone has a lover, and i'm still trying to find mine on!HAHAHAHA! but you can't rush L-O-V-E so when it happens, ill be ready! until then my dear friends, KICK ROCKS!
and OH-its been two days since i deactivated my FB, and no withdrawals or anything!i can say i conquered the web monstahhhhh! whoop-Dee-fuggin-do!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

using my common sense.

this DRINK is the bomb dot com!i swear. if i had only one drink to drink the rest of my life, it would be this, only because i go cOcOnuts for...well, coconuts!hahaha!spanish people and there amazing taste in drinks!thats a two thumbs up from me jose and ricoooooshay!hahaha!seriously, go get one!haha-


Today.hmmm, all i felt like doing was wishful thinking. i only had one class today, so it gives me time to do homework, and anything else i need to catch up on. i go to salt lake communty college, and you would think because its a COMMUNITY college, it would be super easy. pssshhhtt, i aint gonna lie, it is!hahahahaha!i think why im having the hardest time with it is because im still living at home, and still in the same comfort zone. theres not much motivation because im use to all my surroundings. im not saying that you have to go out far to have it easy, NO way!i know a ton of people who are out of state going school, and they have it just as hard. B U T-i feel as if they have more motivation, more producitve, and independent in there life. it's because they're out on there own!im super proud of everyone whos out of state doing school. i wish i took high school more seriously. it's not that i didnt, but college always seems sooooooo FAR AWAY, i didnt think it would hit me.....but here i am. as much as i want to do big things, i feel as if i have limited space.idkayy why i think that way, but i think its because im already comfortable in the state that im in. i know that to find motivation, you have to reach out of your comfort zone!it's hard, because your taking a risk in what you wanna achieve, but it will most def. be worth it!its hard finding motivation for me, but i always think of how i can break this poverty cycle im living in now. i wanna have a big house, with a lot of kids. and i want to be able to support them, even if means suffering now. i want a rich husband, that looks 10x better than channing tatum!(of course, no one beats him!haha) but i have to put myself to the test now.and because im in the process now, all i can say by far is this: IT'S @#$%^* HARD! hahahaha!and it is, but all this crying, pulling all nighters doing homework, wasting money on textbooks that you never use, will all be worth it. and thats what i use as self motivation-the positives on why i want to achieve these things!EDUCATION only sucks if you make it suck....which im pretty good at, because i've always hated homework!haha, but its true!only reason why im still in it to win it is because i wanna be like jack black in the school of rock...minus the belly(ill wear a girdle to cover that hahahaha)

On a good note-

I L♥VE when my mom and dad show there love for eachother...not like that...hahaha, but like when my mom tells her "OHH SOOOOO FUNNY JOKES," my dads the only one bursting out in laughter, even tho we know hes just doing it to make her feel like we get it!hahaha :)

Monday, February 7, 2011


New day.and guess how it went?it freakin snowed!!i dont hate snow, i just hate the cold.its times like these where i wish i was in forks, washington...but that makes no kinda sense, i know!actually, it does.i would go there and hug my wolfpack bfs.i know theyll keep me'd be fun.talkin ishh on bella for screwing jacob over!pfft.hoe!okaayyyy, i swear those books were soo high school, idkayyyy why i brought it up!haha!


I hate having a lot on my mind before i go to sleep.its cuhz i cant sleep!i dont understand WHY someone will have no mercy in taking charge for there own actions!whats it to them?i may be stubborn, but i make sure i take credit or consequenses for my own actions. All i wonder is why?why would someone complain about something so sacred?why would someone misjudge someone with a high standard?what power do they want to pocess with this assumption?why must one suffer because the words of a person who cannot even prove his theory?why would you complain about a man chosen by god?what is it that you need to be satisfied!?!WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PROVE?? If sticks and stones break my bones, but words will never hurt.why do i feel pain?hurt?offended that someone would even think of such thing. Im not a religious person.actually im far from it. Understanding the fact that no ones perfect, i know that whats going on is just a test. To see if the sitution can be handled.and it can, and will much as i wanna yell, and confront these "righteous" people, i know that a heart is more healthier when you leave it for the highest creator to deal with it. Its true. If a man called of god is put on the line between worldly attractions, and attractions from the highest, the man will let god determine which attraction should be understood. It sucks that many of us only see the negative sides in our lives, but keeping full trust in whatever you believe in wether it be god or your pet goldfishh butch, is something many of us should realize.its only when we are put to the test that we call out for help, but when we are totally comforted in whats already been ready, we push away our help, and do it on our own.its not bad, but be sure to never be prideful or greedy of your self-accomplishments. I know that this test is something my family and i will get through, so for now-prayers and fasting is something i need to focus more glad im venting this out, cuhs im gettin tired now :)

On a good note...

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz g'night yall :)
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