"Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say."
- Anon
- Anon
Meet my....crazy, dont give a hootin' dingle berry about anybody, LOUD, never EVER serious, crybabies, hardest gangsters on the block BESTEST friends :)
my boyfriends when we go out, the ones who have my back when no one else does, the ones who tell me straight up if my zippers down, or a big ole' booger is in my nose, my "THIRSTY" kalapu, the ones who helped me beat up the fehoko girls for fun, the ones who laughed so hard when i told them how bObO beat up cindy afu at the mall-basically sisters from different misterrrrzz!
bObO-undercover ringleader...thats just because she has a car.too many funny memories-funniest one: back to school party, and i think we drank a tad bit toooo much, she was sitting on the couch with "SOME KID," while i was looking for a bucket for her to throw up in, walked back intot he livingroom, and she was macking on the kid....i sat and watched for 3 mins, and then, out of nowhere, THRRROOOOWWWW UPPPPPP all over the kids shirt!BWAHAHAHAHA, and to top that off, she just got up, and walked straight into the room, and knocked out, while the kid sat there, licking the throw up off his lips!hahahahaha-
Lupe-the FOR REALLLYY good one. they call me the devils child cuhz all i do is tempt this girl to do stuff with me!hahaha, i do it for fun, and she knows im playing!hahaa, but always the DD. shes one quiet girl, but once you set her on fire, have fun trying to set her out!SHES WVC CUHHRAZYY!hahaha.funniest memory:idk if she remembers this but freshmen year, we all planned to go sadies, we did the shopping AND EVERYTHING!lupe had a partner, i had one, bo had one-so anyway we were just posted at her house for a good minute..she never came out, we were like WTH is wrong with this puto!haha, so me and bo charge inside to her house, and shes at the corner crying her EYES OUT cuhz her mom said she couldnt go!BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!dude, she embrasses herself HELLA EASily!like this other time-FRESHMEN year right..we try to roll with the biggdawggz, and drive around bo's grandpas car around the neighborhood, just to see if any hott guys would see us driving!HAHA lame, i know-anyway lupe was dying to drive the car, so bo was like okay-pulls off to the side, and lets this stupid girl lupe drive. LUPE-being the stupid one too,drives by her house, IDK she does, then stops at the stop sign, and her mom is at the other stop sign.now usually you would play it off, esp if your not driving your car-and you dont have a lisence right?!NNOOOOOO!this girl, puts the car in park, and tries to hide!HOW THE HELL do you hide when your the freakin driver!?BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA long story short, her mom stopped right in front of us, and yelled at lupe to get out of the car....we werent able to hang out with lupe for 2 weeks!hahahahahaha-
Mona-i dont think people understand mona's mindset-SHES CRIP CRAZZYY!BWAHAHA, nbfrt. shes one girl i do not wanna mess with. shes basically the reason why whenever we get in fights, none of us are bruised up.she really does all the work!HAHAHA. funnest memory: we were soo pissed about how this girl did our friend, Teesa, hella wrong. mind you that this isnt our problem, but when you put four losers that have no lives together, we do some stupid shit. anyway-we go and get eggs, pee in containers, mix all these stuff together so we can go get these girls houses!hahahaha, OH man-we got the house, and we were coming back around so we can throw rocks at the windows, and the girls house that we got were following us the whole time!HAHAHA, well since they caught us, might as well fight them right?no biggie, we chase 'em down, and they finally stop!anyway, one of the girls hella came to my window and started punching the shit outta it like skittles were gonna pop out or something!i hella got out and punched her cuhz shit, my mom and dad had no idea that i took the car, and if they wake up to a broken window, i would pay for it!anyway, we get out of the car, and start fighting.it was like an action movie!hahaha, anyway-MONA being the crip kullazzzyyy hella beats all three of them up!ALL THREE.you think im lying, but im not!DUDE, one minute she was bombing on the liddo sis, then giving the middle sis a big ass weggie, then pulling the older sisters hair out of her head!OMG i thot that was something only jackie chan can do, but mona-pppfffttt you truely are one scary ass nigguh!hahaha, thats why were besties! :)
im not obsessed with my best friends, i just laugh because sooooo many people try and brake us!!and they have for the loooonnnggeeessttt time. seriously, bo's grand idea was to come up with a squad called the stupid squad, and everyone hated us!WHO CARES!hahahahahhahahaha, no, but really-Love these girls to pieces!hahahaha!ohh man, one time we put a couch in front of koti lao's house, and blamed it on lupe!BWAHAHAHAHAHA!love my mains :)