Sunday, February 13, 2011

sunday fundays.

Besides the fact that i'm still stuck in bed looking like quamire off of family guy, i DIDN'T have a good nights sleep thanks to my sister, who misplaced my medicine, making me wide awake, and feeling all sorts of pain. My goodness, never in my life have i ever felt like punching my little sister in the face(while she was sleeping, of course) here i am in my room rubbing my two big cheeks, hoping they would eventually stop hurting, of course they wouldn't because rubbing 'em only made the pain worse!As mad as i was at my little sister, i decided to wet her hair(because she had straightened it saturday night), and wrinkle her church clothes(because she had ironed her church clothes for sunday, which is today.) knowing my revenge would make her cry all morning, i second guessed my actions, and ended up not doing it.(Ill do it on April Fools.Hopefully she remembers why i'm doing it.) soo, besides all of the saturday night madness, i slept in, and just woke up.(hey, i totally desrve it.)


Being that it's stake conference today, my family is having one of our many GREAT get togethers. Sucks for me-while everyones gulping down amazing homemade food, i'm gonna be stuck in the corner with a spoon, and slurpping away two yogurts!if you haven't pulled out your wisdom teeth, make sure you do it on a weekend, where you know there will be no food what-so-ever! i feel like i lost 10 pounds.....haha, okay im being dramatic, i feel like i only lost 20, BUT ANYWAY!ahaha, I have decided that i hate yogurt, and i will never eat it ever again!you don't even know(well, those who haven't pulled out there wisdom teeth yet) how annoying pulling out your wisdom teeth can be!First-you look like you have the mumphs.Second-you only eat smooth, cold things like shakes, and yogurt....and soup(that has to be super cold). Third-the only teeth you can actually brush is the ones in the middle(meaning YES half of my teeth still smell like yesterdays soup) fourth-you look like your head weighs more than your body....or is that just me?better not be!but yes, as much as i can sit here and complain about How bad it sucks to pull out all four wisdom teeth, i know that it will eventually pay off...but until then, my life SUCKS a whole lottah!!someone please get a shaver, and shave me bald :(

..on a good note-
well, because my mouth was hurting like a mother, and my eyes were pouring out with tears, i tried to distract myself by watching youtube videos, and clicked on the one with christina agularia(or how ever you spell it.)turns out it was the song, Hurt(if you haven't heard it, you must, SOOO freakin beautiful)anyway, i started crying harder because it was soooo sad, that me put me to sleep. soo, thank you christina, i'll be sure to play that song everytime i have a toothache. :)

P.S.-it's been 3 days since i deactivated my fb account...kinda miss it, BUT nothing beats blogging!(i need to slow down my blogging actually, i talk about the same thing.but you guys LOVE it right?!)haha

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