Today.hmmm, all i felt like doing was wishful thinking. i only had one class today, so it gives me time to do homework, and anything else i need to catch up on. i go to salt lake communty college, and you would think because its a COMMUNITY college, it would be super easy. pssshhhtt, i aint gonna lie, it is!hahahahaha!i think why im having the hardest time with it is because im still living at home, and still in the same comfort zone. theres not much motivation because im use to all my surroundings. im not saying that you have to go out far to have it easy, NO way!i know a ton of people who are out of state going school, and they have it just as hard. B U T-i feel as if they have more motivation, more producitve, and independent in there life. it's because they're out on there own!im super proud of everyone whos out of state doing school. i wish i took high school more seriously. it's not that i didnt, but college always seems sooooooo FAR AWAY, i didnt think it would hit me.....but here i am. as much as i want to do big things, i feel as if i have limited space.idkayy why i think that way, but i think its because im already comfortable in the state that im in. i know that to find motivation, you have to reach out of your comfort zone!it's hard, because your taking a risk in what you wanna achieve, but it will most def. be worth it!its hard finding motivation for me, but i always think of how i can break this poverty cycle im living in now. i wanna have a big house, with a lot of kids. and i want to be able to support them, even if means suffering now. i want a rich husband, that looks 10x better than channing tatum!(of course, no one beats him!haha) but i have to put myself to the test now.and because im in the process now, all i can say by far is this: IT'S @#$%^* HARD! hahahaha!and it is, but all this crying, pulling all nighters doing homework, wasting money on textbooks that you never use, will all be worth it. and thats what i use as self motivation-the positives on why i want to achieve these things!EDUCATION only sucks if you make it suck....which im pretty good at, because i've always hated homework!haha, but its true!only reason why im still in it to win it is because i wanna be like jack black in the school of rock...minus the belly(ill wear a girdle to cover that hahahaha)
On a good note-
I L♥VE when my mom and dad show there love for eachother...not like that...hahaha, but like when my mom tells her "OHH SOOOOO FUNNY JOKES," my dads the only one bursting out in laughter, even tho we know hes just doing it to make her feel like we get it!hahaha :)
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