Sunday, December 2, 2012

Weary not, weary not.

Satan is a sneaky thing. They don't lie when they say he will do everything in his power to keep a family from being a family. This week has had it's ups and downs, happy and frowns. My son managed to knock down being two months old. Being my first born, I had the hardest time watching him getting poked with 5 needles, and to top it off, get his circumcision all in one week. There's something about innocent cries that just make me cry a river! Lol. Travis and I pretty much are the new wrestlers for WWE! We are the masters at bumping heads, and it never fails to be about the smallest things. Who baby gets his looks from, who's the cool parent, who's gonna cook dinner. God has put two competitive people together, and I'd have to say, Satan has come in at times where we never realized it.

We rushed to do our family pictures yesterday, and after going three rounds of bumping heads, we passed by the temple. It was really funny, because we both got really quiet. Seeing that in my view made me realize how much we were driven away from our focus on getting married in the temple. After the long awkward silence, we decided that we didn't wanna be wrestlers anymore, and wanted to be best friends forever instead! Lol, it made me laugh, but got me thinking how much we felt the same way about something so special.

Sometimes what we don't realize is how Satan is trying to pull us away. He puts doubt, fills our minds with negativity, which makes us become more stubborn in our thinking, and in our hearts. Thankfully, for us, we were quick to be reminded of what our goal is, and were able to quickly forgive our wrongs. God has put the two biggest competitors together, but also managed to put the two greatest forgivers together also.

I am beyond thankful that we are able to be reminded about things. There will be times where at the moment, everything seems like it's not going the way it's suppose to, but only god can see our bigger picture. He knows what's best, and why we go thru what we go thru. When in doubt, he reminds of our purpose, and why it is vital we carry on.

Xoxo, Peni Family.

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I can totally relate (: pls invite me to your sealing, it's my favorite thing to witness. Xoxo
