2:49AM and I'm flooded with subjects and thoughts that I want to talk about. What new test has god blessed me with today. Starring at my husband cuddling with our son both knocked out ugly, I can't help but just sit here with a huge smile on my face. From their simple movements, to annoying snore. This is what I use to dream about. This is now my reality. The simple pleasures of your child this early of age. The various reasons of why mothers forever see there sons as little mama's boys, and daughters as daddy's girls.
If my first born son has made my life tremendously greater, I can only imagine how my future children will bless our lives. I was a bit scared to have children after my little Moana boy, but the pain and wait was not so bad after all. I can go through it all over again and again and AGAIN!
I reflect back to my childhood, and the things my parents would do for us. After morning and night family prayer we would get in line and give a hug and kiss to both of them. I would always try and be first so I can hug them for a long time while everyone else waits behind me and yells at me to hurry...I was such an attention seeker! Lol, or another memory was if we brushed our teeth and flossed every night my dad would throw us in the air 3 times. Another favorite memory was my mom and dad teaching us tongan hymns, and making us do cow boy dances. We would sing and dance at every function! It use to be fun, until everyone started making fun of us! Or on Christmas when my mom would put "To: Line From: Sanda" and we would go to school spelling Santa, Sanda! Hmmm, no wonder why I was in ESL!
My parents would make the best out of the little money we had. We would take trips around utah. At times I thought my parents were billionaires because they Took us so many places but now realizing all the activities we did were things that had only a small or no fee-like hiking, or swimming at a lake, or taking a tour around the mountains, camping, etc. My mom always had fun games and activities for every holiday. Even if we didn't have toys, she did things that made us feel the holiday cheer.
That's one thing I learned from my parents, they never let us know we were struggling. They never told us, or showed it on there face. Growing up I felt like we had it all! And I'm thankful as an adult now, and being able to look back and see that.
That's some of the perks of being a parent. You can make your kids happy just by being happy. You don't have to buy there love, or buy them things to make them have fun. You create fun by making the best out of what you have.
I am beyond excited for this holiday season! It will be my first as a Peni, wife, and mother.
Xo from you're favorite family! Haha-
P.s- here's some pictures of whats been going on lately!
I luv this post! Lol @ Sanda!!! Your parents are amazing!! I loooved your mom when I was little, she was my fave b4 she even got married & had kids. She would let us sleepover at her apt, make us breakfast & played games. I knew she was gonna be a great mom. (: Your dad has always just been so kind & sarcastic. Love that you pay omage to them & are going to instill that into your own family now. (: U have a beautiful family!!