Friday, March 9, 2012

It's not JUST a name.

I finally went to the doctors to see how many weeks I am and all. Let's just say I'm happy we got married when we got married. LOL, 8 WEEKS, 5 DAYS, don't judge me -____- lol, just as long as my little blessing is fine and still hanging in there, I'm good with whatever goes.

"Travy"(he hates when I call him that) an I have been talking about names, and what he would name the baby if it was a boy, or a girl. Now, because we are two different cultures, we had to educate each other on why we prefer what we should name our blessing :)

I was raised in a tongan-American culture, where both were taught at home. My oldest brother and I were named after my fathers side, which is considered to be respectful. The wife in our culture shows respect to her husband and also his family by naming the first two oldest (or even all the children if you love him THAT much, lol.) Reason being that basically, from what I was taught, is that you're thanking them for raising the man who is the provider for you and your new family, and also showing that you respect your husband. It shows humilty in the wife, and also shows that you both wear the pants in the relationship, and the wife has no full control, neither does the husband. Now this is how I was raised, and I am grateful I was brought up that way.

I am named after my beautiful grandmother Losaline Lapaho-Tukuafu. My fathers mother. We grow in the American society, where we are able to name our children whatever, which is fine. As for me, I am proud that I am named after someone who has left a legacy, a purpose in life. I wasn't always proud though, in all honesty. Growing up with a polynesian name can be the hardest thing for teachers to pronounce. All my life, I have been called 20 other different names, other than the right way to say it. Eye-rolling everytime i heard a "Losalina" or a "Lusalin" or a "LozaLine(a straight line),"  I would be embarassed everytime because I would hear kids point out the obvious, "hey line, she said your name wong. HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Made me feel even more insecure, due to the fact that my last name was also hard to pronounce. Always questioning myself, "What the heck were my parents thinking when they named me this name?" yup, I was so close to changing my name to Beyonce, lol.

It wasn't until I had to do research on my name. The meaning behind why I hold the name I hold. Who better to ask, then the man who named me, my dad. Turns out my dad only knew so little too. His mom died the night of his 4th birthday, so he only can remember so much. BUT, my grandma happen to be a very popular lady. My dad became best friends with her friends, asking them all about this lady who was the mother of him and his12 siblings. They told many great stories of how hard-working, and caring she was. How she adored each one of her children, and also a very firm believer in the church.Stories about how she would walk miles to get to church with her kids, and how she gave all she had away to get to NZ to be married in the temple. My dad says that although he didn't know much of her, he feels like she lives through him, and me. How she had her trials to get her to the temple, and how I have mine, to get to the same place.

It's amazing how we end up being just like our namesake, and not even know it. How a name tells a whole different story. A name, a passing of a legend from one generation to the next. It's always nice to look up to someone who made it through hard times, and trials. Who learned about the greatness in life. Who walked through what you are going through now. That is motivation, and a full understanding of why a name is more then just a name.

What's in a name? A whole different life, that we know only so much about. I hope when we are able to choose a name for my little blessing, it will be a great one.For you hold more than just a name, but the blessing that comes with it.

I laugh at how excited I am to be pregnant. I guess this is how all wives are with there first.

Safe weekend to all, go crazy! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Awwww so glad I can feel the love in ur posts cuz ;) Congratz on the baby-to-be! I feel you on the name thing, Alex picked both our girls names, and then chose middle names after people in my family that he wanted them to emulate. Someday I want to hear these stories about Grandma though cuz we have the same name, woot...
