February 3rd marked our 2 years of being married. Yup, 2 years, 2 kids, 2 much to handle! Lol, I'm just glad that through all the threats, bipolarness, and hectic family events he still can't get enough of me! Hahaha!
For our anniversary we did what we've been dying to do for a long time. We were able to get a full eight hours of sleep! With 2 kids under the age of two, it seems like the only time you'll ever get to sleep is when you're six feet under ground! But Travis always knows how to work his magic...And by magic I mean drop our kids off to my mother inlaws house to sleep over! LOL! As nice as it was to get some shut eye, I woke up the next morning begging Travis to go pick up the boys!
As if that eight hours of sleep wasn't enough! My boothang worked his magic once again and got us tickets to see Tarrus Riley live in concert! Literally the cherry on top to it all!(Who cares if we celebrate our anniversary for the whole month, LOL! Best excuse ever!) If you know us, you know we're not really the PDA type, but Tarrus Riley's music got us feeling some type of way! LOL, moving and grooving to the beat, locking eyes, blowing kisses! Yes, love was definitely in the air! It felt nice to reconnect. Being a mom and dad is our first priority, and sometimes we get so worn out being parents, that we forget we're also suppose to be husband and wife, haha. Although I wished last night didn't end, it did! Lol, but I am glad that we were able to have time for us, and to be reminded of why we fell in love! (#YouCare #LastPartWasSuperSoft hahaha)
I love what the marriage and family life has brought to MY life. Of course you have your good and bad days, but for most days, seeing where I am at today, compared to where I was before makes it all worth it. My husband has been an amazing provider for this family. He has and continues to sacrifice a lot for my boys and I. Although we still have a long ways to go, we've accomplished so much already.
It's been two years, and I can still say that I am happy to be married to my best friend! Through the thickest and the thinnest times, he has always been the one who stays strong for us, and does what he needs to do to get us to where we need to be. Thanks for putting up with me, and understanding my unique sense of humor! Cheers to 2 years, and the many more years to come!
Ofa Lahi Atu.