Sunday, December 29, 2013

And all those little things...

It's been a huge blessing being able to watch my son grow. He's so observant, so energetic, and so loud! Lol. He keeps me on my toes. Over the last few months, he is starting to know who is who, and who will give him what he wants, and who won't! When we are getting ready to leave, he knows it, and will stand by the door just to make sure we don't leave him. He knows how to say "mam" and "ded" and loves getting into trouble! 

I look back on the first couple months of when he was born and just remember those moments when I thought I'd give in...I would say I did go through some-what the 'baby blues.' I always overwhelmed myself with thoughts of how am I going to do this? Over time, my son has taught me so much, and has given me this strength that only he can give me to be a better mother.

I go through nights just laying with him on my bed, trying to remember how life was like before him, and honestly, I can't ever remember being as happy as I am now that he has came into my life. Sometimes I feel like even my love for him isn't enough, I literally want to grab this entire world just to prove it to him!
...and then I get those early morning kisses with slobber all over my face as if he were a dog, and him running to me after I've been away from him only for a few hours, and those moments where all he wants to do is cuddle with me...and that just puts me into realization, that all the love and care I give to him is enough and worth it all. 
No one has ever made me as happy as he has and continues to one has given me motivation like he does, and foremost, no one can make me smile like he can. The innocence of one child goes such a long way to a mother. This year, I am grateful to be blessed with a healthy son, and also have the blessing to be carrying another healthy little boy who will be here in January! My life may not seem all that great, or may even bore you! Lol, but I wouldn't trade my life for anything, because being a mom is the greatest title to hold in this world, and a great person to be.