Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Just got REAL.

I find myself on Social Networks about 24 hours of the day. Because I'm a stay at home mom, it's easy to get away with being lazy all day. LITERALLY. Some mothers are really good at timing. They know what to put first, and what needs to be done. And then you have those moms (Me) who can't live without updating a status, picture, or tweet about what I'm about to do in that exact moment. Technology is sucking me in, and don't even realize it.

I only accomplish so much when I had social networking. I would do the laundry, then I would camp. I'd do some of the dishes, then take a 4 hour break and, camp. I would start cleaning the room, then stop to camp until Travis gets home. He's always frustrated when he comes only to see that I accomplished one out of the 20 things I was suppose to be doing.

It seemed like the more I put myself out there, the more I had to do to try to please everyone who in all reality, could care less if I was eating sushi with a superstar or what not. It's not that I was trying to please everyone, it was just the fact that I wanted everyone to see what I do daily. I do see myself as a open journal. I don't mind people knowing all about my life. I really have nothing to hide. Guess what I was getting too carried away with was the fact that I felt like a REAL-LIFE SOCIAL NETWORK superstar, when in all seriousness, I am far from that.

I tend to do this a lot. delete or deactivate all my social networks, and then a couple days later thinking I could handle myself get back on, and be totally sucked in all over again. This time is hopefully different. I do want to go back on, but this time try to lessen my addiction. Being such a people person has it's pro's and con's. But it's just one of those things that I know I will have to keep working on.

Anyway, today was my first day without it, and although it feels like it's been 80 years since I've been connected to IG, Twitter, or Facebook, I've managed to finish everything I needed to do today. Please keep me in your prayers! LOL! xo.

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