Wednesday, December 19, 2012

When it hits close to home.

This past week has been heart wrenching. With Christmas just around the corner, there has been so many tragedies within the nation that Christmas has all of a sudden had a different impact on me. From the shooting in Connecticut, where 26 kids and teachers had lost their life to a man who wasn't in the right state of mind. To right here in our neighborhood where a beautiful, lovable friend of mine is finally resting in peace. Death has never been the easiest thing to get over, and always the last thing I want to think about. But from hearing the losses of young beautiful children and people, Christmas has meant more than what it has in the past years, and that is to be thankful for the family members and friends who continue to make my day brighter, and my life just a bit sweeter. God continues to work in mysterious ways, and as much as we cannot bare the pain of the tragedies that have happen, it teaches us to be grateful to those around us who are still in good health.

After hearing the death of a good neighbor so dear to my sister and I,I thought about my own friends, and how my reaction would be if I were to ever lose them, and I seriously couldn't imagine how it would feel to lose such amazing people. Then I thought about the feeling of losing my own son. Being a mother first hand, it would hurt so much to know that the place where they were to be safest at, they were the most vulnerable. The teachers who put their life on the line for these innocent children will never be forgotten. The blessing of our dear friend Taina who left us too soon, will forever be remembered.

The time will come where death will play a big part in my own home, and I know because of the teachings of the gospel that I have been taught, I will be able to get thru whatever it may be. Although I may not say it often to those I love and cherish most, I do love you with all I have. Take the time to just be thankful for those who are still the biggest blessing in your life, you never know what could happen.

Happy holidays everyone.

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