2011 was one year that most definitely made the biggest impact on me. A year out of high school, and let me tell you, the real life aint no joke. But aside from all the downfalls and hard moments, I've had reached the sweetest of all sweetest blessings, and that is finding that special someone. Also having the best family, with the greatest friends, and the nicest people in general around you 24/7 bringing the positive energy that one needs to proceed in life. Thru the rough times, I am thankful for those who have had my back and stuck by me, especially to God who has provided his love through the joy of others.
There are some people I want to bring up who have done nothing but help me make it to where I am. Although there are many who have stuck it out for me, these ones went over the limit, and made sure I get the best of all things.
MY PARENTS- Of course, the people who know everything you're going through, even when you think you know everything. Even when I pushed them away, they made sure that I was safe, and always prayed for me. Can't go wrong when you put your trust in the lord, and that's exactly what my parents did. Knowing that regardless of all that i went through, i still came back to where it all started, HOME. I am thankful to have the greatest love, all because it was taught to me from home. All because 2 wonderful people fell in love. I love my mom and dad, and I know that because of them, God is real, and is always there for me.
MY BEST FRIENDS- Bo Lui, Lupe Tauteoli, Mona Livai, Cindy Afu, Nikki Atiga and Rachel Odell.. and Ricky, Sam, Ezra and Taani! Lol. Its soo funny how you grow up, and become soo close to those who have different personalities, and priorities, but yet still manage to be your greatest friends. I love these people, and are not just a BIG THING TO ME, there a million small things. They're always gonna be the people who never left, all because I never left. They have a small part of me in each of them, and will always be the greatest blessings. Like they say, Friends are like the family god let you pick. Im glad I chose the right ones.
MY BROTHERS- These guys are annoying, rude, and call me fat after every sentence. But thru all the put downs, they are those guys you search for when looking for a guy. yes, we always find someone just like our dad, but also that guy who we know will have our back, just like how all brothers got it. That respect we gain from our brothers is a bond I never want to lose. My brothers mean more than anything to me, and im forever thankful for them. Tiv all the way to Baby Lusa! Lol, thank you guys for the advice, the support, the love, and the joy you guys fill me with. I couldn't ask for a better set of bros!
MY SISTERS- Now these ladies are the ladies who act just like me. My LPG's and Tukuafu side! My sisters are my rydahs who always gave me that push! JUST DO IT! I love these sisters, and im very thankful to have them in my life. From our annoying sister nights, to random meetings everywhere. It's crazy to see us all grown and doing our own things, but because of our love for each other, I know will be great mothers, all because our mothers are. I know my sisters, and we all maybe hard headed, but only because we know what we deserve. stay strong, because god made us beautiful only because we are the greatest creations on the earth, not even a man can imagine what we go through. I love you ladies!
PRICILLA MAXINE TUKUAFU- Until this day, we have been the closest set of sisters one has ever seen. She's my one and only sister, but has THE BIGGEST impact in my life. From sharing beds then, to sharing rooms now, im happy to say I have the greatest room mate ever. The girl who has the beauty, the brains, and the personality, but yet holds back it all to help me. I know im the older sister, and im suppose set the good example, but regardless of my imperfections, she has made herself perfect, and im grateful that she doesn't have to go thru the experiences I went thru. instead of going thru the same things, she watched, and LEARNED. Im thankful for a blessing like her. She has been there from day one, and will always be there. she is my pride and joy, and as determined as she is, she will be the greatest blessing ever distinguished in my life. I love you Sil-dawg :) Lol.
2012, bring on the fun. xoxo.